This Library Database provides access to Project Reports, Peer-Reviewed Publications, Factsheets, Videos and other outputs from JIP-funded, or co-funded, research.
ID | Type | Title | Author, Name (Principal Investigator) | Organisation / Affiliation | Year of Issue | Reference / Citation | JIP Research Category | Open Access | File Link | JIP Project Reference | JIP Funding (Full / Part) | Keywords / Topic |
190 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Amphibious hearing in spotted seals (Phoca largha): underwater audiograms, aerial audiograms and critical ratio measurements | Sills, J., Southall, B., Reichmuth, C. | University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Southall Environmental Associates (SEA) | 2014 | The Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 726-734 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.8 | Full | Spotted seal, Amphibious, Hearing, Arctic, Noise |
191 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Amphibious hearing in ringed seals (Pusa hispida): underwater audiograms, aerial audiograms and critical ratio measurements | Sills, J., Southall, B., Reichmuth, C. | University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Southall Environmental Associates (SEA) | 2015 | The Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 2250-2259 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.8 | Full | Ringed seal, Amphibious, Audiogram, Hearing, Arctic, Noise |
192 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Psychoacoustic Studies of Spotted (Phoca largha) and Ringed (Pusa hispida) Seals | Sills, J., Southall, B., Reichmuth, C. | University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Southall Environmental Associates (SEA) | 2016 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 875: 1025-1030 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.8 | Full | Seals, Amphibious, Hearing, Noise, Arctic |
258 | Project Report | Low Visibility Real-Time Monitoring Techniques Review | Verfuss, U., Gillespie, D., Gordon, J., Marques, T. et al. | SMRU Consulting | 2017 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.7.1 | Full | Monitoring, Low Visibility, PAM, RADAR, LIDAR |
194 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A review and inventory of fixed autonomous recorders for passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals | Sousa-Lima, R., Norris, T., Oswald, J. and Fernandes, D. | Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, NY | 2013 | Aquatic Mammals, 39: 23-53 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.6.1 | Full | Passive acoustic monitoring, Fixed systems, Marine Mammals, Acoustic Monitoring, Mitigation, Autonomous recorders |
195 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Tracking sperm whales with a towed acoustic vector sensor | Thode, A., Straley, J. and Folkert K. | Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California. | 2010 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128: 2681-2694 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.3 | Full | Sperm whales, Tracking, Linear arrays, Anthropogenic actvities, Vector sensor model |
196 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Passive acoustic monitoring for estimating animal density | Thomas, L. and Marques, T. | Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2012 | Acoustics Today, 8: 35-44 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.5 | Full | Passive acoustic monitoring, Animal density |
197 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Cetacean stock assessments in relation to exploration and production industry activity and other human pressures: Review and data needs | Thomsen, F., McCully, S., Weiss, L., Wood, D. et al. | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), UK | 2011 | Aquatic Mammals 37: 1-93 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.3.2 | Full | Cetacea, Stock assessments, Human pressures, Data needs |
198 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A prediction of the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) middle-ear transfer function | Tubelli, A., Zosuls, A., Ketten, D., Yamato, M. et al. | Boston University, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | 2012 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132: 3263-3272 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.4 | Part | Minke Whale, Middle-ear, anthropogentic noise |
199 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Adapted to change: Low energy requirements in a low and unpredictable productivity environment, the case of the Galapagos sea lion | Villegas-Amtmann, S., McDonald, B., Paez-Rosas, D., Aurioles-Gamboa, D. et al. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Deep-Sea Research II in press | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Diving behavior, Double labeled water, Metabolic rate, Otariids, Zalophus wollwbaeki |
200 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) passive acoustic detection in increasing ambient noise | Ward, J., Jarvis, S., Moretti, D., Morrissey, R. et al. | Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, RI | 2011 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129: 662-669 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Passive acoustic, Monitoring, Marine Mammals, Noise |
201 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Passive acoustic density estimation of sperm whales in the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas | Ward, J., Thomas, L., Jarvis, S., DiMarzio, N. et al. | Naval Undersea Warfare Center, RI. Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2012 | Marine Mammal Science, 28: 444-455 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Animal density, Population size, Sperm whale, Passive acoustic |
202 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The effect of close approached for tagging activities by small research vessels on the behavior of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Williamson, M., Kavanagh, A. and Noad, N. | Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory, University of Queensland. Australia | 2016 | Marine Mammal Science, 32: 1234-1253 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | BRAHSS, Anthropogenic disturbance, behavior, Cetacean, Humpback whales, Vessel |
203 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | State-space framework for estimating measurement error from double-tagging telemetry | Winship, A., Jorgensen, S., Shaffer, S., Jonsen, I. et al. | Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax | 2011 | Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3: 291-302 | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.2 | Part | Argos, Birds, Electronic tagging, Geolocation, GPS, Pinnipeds, Sharks |
204 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A comparative analysis of cetacean vital rates using matrix population modeling analysis of cetacean vital rates | Young, K. and Keith, E. | Nova Southeastern University, USA. Baylor University USA | 2011 | International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 1 :261-277 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Full | Population modeling, Cetecea, Vital rates, Sustainability |
205 | Project Report | Seismic testing and monitoring of farmed fish- Storfjorden 2009-2010 | Bakke, S | PGS Geophysical | 2010 | Final Report | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.2 | Full | Seismic, Testing, Monitoring, Fish farms, Behavior, Environmental monitoring |
255 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The influence of temporally varying noise from seismic air guns on the detection of underwater sounds by seals | Sills, J., Southall, B., Reichmuth, C. | University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Southall Environmental Associates (SEA) | 2017 | Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 141: 996-1008 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.8 | Full | Noise, Impacts, Marine Mammals, seismic air guns |
256 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A review of the history, development and application of auditory weighting functions in humans and marine mammals | Houser, D., Yost, W., Burkard, R., Finneran, J. et al. | National Marine Mammal Foundation, Californaia | 2017 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141: 1371-1413 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.10.1 | Part | Auditory weighting, Marine mammals, Electroacoustics |
257 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Beaked whales respond to simulated and actual navy sonar | Tyack, P., Zimmer, W., Moretti, D., Southall, B. et al. | Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | 2011 | PLoS One 6, e17009 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1 | Part | Sonar, Beaked whales, Echolocation |
259 | Other | PAMGUARD: Open sources software for realtime acoustic detection and localisation of cetaceans | Gillespie, D., Blight, C., Caillat, M., White, P. et al. | SMRU | 2009 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.7 | Full | PAMGUARD, Poster |
260 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | PAMGUARD: Semiautomated, open source software for real time acoustic dectection and localisation of cetaceans | Gillespie, D., Gordon, J., Mchugh, R., Mclaren, D. et al. | SMRU | 2008 | Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 30 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.7 | Full | PAMGUARD, Acoustics, Cetaceans |
261 | Project Report | Assessing the viability of density estimation for cetaceans from passive acoustic fixed sensors throughout the life cycle of an offshore E&P field devlopment | Booth, C., Oedekoven, C., Gillespie, D., Macaulay, J. et al. | SMRU Consulting | 2017 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.8.1 | Full | Cetaceans, PAM, Density, Abundance |
262 | Project Report | Evaluation of fisheries sonars for whale detection in relation to seismic survey operations | Knudsen, F., Gammelsaeter, O., Kvadsheim, P., Nottestad, L. | Simrad AS, Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, Institute of Marine Research | 2007 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.1.1 | Full | Fish, Sonar, Seismic survey |
263 | Project Report | JIP Aversion Modeling | Frankel, A., Ellison, W., White, A., Vigness-Raposa, K | Marine Acoustics, Inc. | 2016 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.12.1 | Full | Aversion, Modeling, Sound, Velocity, Acoustic |
264 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A dive counting density estimation method for Blainvilles beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) using a bottom-mounted hydrophone field as applied to a Mid-Frequency Active (MFA) sonar operation | Moretti, D., Marques, L., Thomas, N., DiMarzio, A. et al. | Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, RI. Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2010 | Applied Acoustics, 71: 1036-2042 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Diving, Beaked whale, Hydrophone |
265 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A method for detecting whistles, moans and other frequency contour sounds. | Mellinger, D., Martin, S., Morrissey, R., Thomas, L. et al. | Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies, Oregon State University. Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA. | 2010 | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129: 4055-4061 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Agroacoustics, Acoustic sensing, Microphones, Acoustic noise, Acoustic analysis |
266 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A hierarchical model for spatial capture-recapture data: comment | Marques, T., Thomas, L. and Royle, R. | Centre for Reseach into Ecological and Environmental Monitoring and Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment | 2011 | Ecology, 92: 526-528 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Simulations, Sampling bias, Point estimators, Density estimation, Ecological modeling |
267 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Cetacean population density estimation from single fixed sensors using passive acoustics | Küsel, E., Mellinger, D., Thomas, L., Marques, D. et al. | Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies, Oregon State University. Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2011 | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129: 3610-3622 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Population density, Fixed passive acoustic sensors |
268 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Spatially explicit capture recapture methods to estimate minke whale abundance from data collected at bottom mounted hydrophones | Marques, T., Thomas, L., Martin, S., Mellinger, D. et al. | Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2012 | Journal of Ornithology, 152: 445-455 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Minke whale, PAM, Proximity detector |
269 | Project Report | Understanding the current state of autonomous technologies to improve/expand observation and detection of marine species | Verfuss, U., Aniceto, A., Biuw, M., Fielding, S. et al. | SMRU Consulting | 2016 | Final Report | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.4 | Full | Literature review, autonomous vehicle systems, oil and gas, mitigation |
271 | Project Report | Cetacean Stock Assessment in North-west Europe in relation to Exploration and Production Industry Sound | Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M.E., Anderwald, P | Sea Watch Foundation | 2016 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.3.4 | Full | Cetaceans, stock assessment, exploration, production |
274 | Other | AVADECAF Simulation Tool (N.B. Full zipfile is 56 MB) for the Project: Assessing the Viability of Density Estimation for Cetaceans from passive Acoustic Fixed sensors throughout the Life Cycle of an Offshore E&P Field Development | SMRU Consulting | SMRU Consulting | 2017 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.8.1 | Full | Simulation Tool, density estimation, cetaceans, passive acoustic fixed sensors |
279 | Other | AVADECAF Simulation Tool Database (Zipped version of Excel and Word files, Final Deliverable) for the Project: Assessing the Viability of Density Estimation for Cetaceans from passive Acoustic Fixed sensors throughout the Life Cycle of an Offshore E&P Field Development | SMRU Consulting | SMRU Consulting | 2017 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.8.1 | Full | Simulation Tool, density estimation, cetaceans, passive acoustic fixed sensors |
283 | Other | AVADECAF Simulation Tool Helpfile (Final Deliverable) for the Project: Assessing the Viability of Density Estimation for Cetaceans from passive Acoustic Fixed sensors throughout the Life Cycle of an Offshore E&P Field Development | Rachael Plunkett, Cormac Booth | SMRU Consulting | 2017 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.8.1 | Full | Simulation Tool, density estimation, cetaceans, passive acoustic fixed sensors |
270 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Determining the behavioural dose-responsive relationship of marine mammals to air gun noise and source proximity | Dunlop, R., Noad, M., McCauley, R., Scott-Hayward, L. et al. | School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Australia | 2017 | Journal of Experimental Biology, 220: 2878-2886 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | BRAHSS, Humpback, Dose, Anthropogenic noise |
272 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Temporary hearing threshold shift in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to multiple airgun sounds | Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van de Voorde, S., von Benda-Beckmann, A .M., Lam, F-P. A., Jansen, E., de Jong, C. A. F. & Ainslie, M. A. | SEAMARCO (Sea Mammal Research Company) | 2017 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142, 2430 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.13 | Full | Harbour porpoise, airgun, oil, gas, hearing, sound exposure |
286 | Factsheet | JIP Research Protecting Marine Life | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2018 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Risk, data, mapping, JIP |
291 | Factsheet | Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance Fact Sheet | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2018 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Sound, population, marine mammals, behaviour |
292 | Factsheet | A Quick Guide to the Data Maps | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2018 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Sound, data, maps, Receiver Risk Assessment Model |
293 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The behavioural response of migrating humpback whales to a full seismic airgun array | Rebecca A. Dunlop, Michael J. Noad, Robert D. McCauley, Eric Kniest, Robert Slade, David Paton, Douglas H. Cato | University of Queensland | 2017 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Volume 284, Issue 1869 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | BRAHSS, anthropogenic noise, behavioural response study, biological significance, humpback whale, seismic airgun |
294 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Assessing the exposure of animals to acoustic disturbance: Towards an understanding of the population consequences of disturbance | Daniel P. Costa, Luis A. Hückstädt, Lisa K. Schwarz, Ari S. Friedlaender, Bruce R. Mate, Alexandre N. Zerbini, Amy Kennedy, and Nicolas J. Gales | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2016 | Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Volume 27, Issue 1, 10.1121/2.0000298 (2016) | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Acoustic disturbance, humpback, blue whales, sensitivity exposure, populations |
295 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | State-dependent behavioural theory for assessing the fitness consequences of anthropogenic disturbance on capital and income breeders | McHuron, E. A., D. P. Costa, L. Schwarz, and M. Mangel. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8:552-560 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Behaviour, fitness consequences, anthropogenic disturbance |
323 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Energetics | Costa, D.P & Maresh, J.L | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Pages 329-335 in B. Würsig, J. G. M. Thewissen, and K. Kovacs, editors. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | cetacean physiology, diving, pinnipeds |
297 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Evaluating gain functions in foraging bouts using vertical excursions in northern elephant seals | Ferraro, M. S., R. R. Decker, D. P. Costa, P. W. Robinson, D. S. Houser, and D. E. Crocker | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Animal Behaviour 129:15-24 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | gain function, marine predator, optimal foraging, patch residence, phocid |
298 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A dynamic state model of migratory behavior and physiology to assess the consequences of environmental variation and anthropogenic disturbance on marine vertebrates | Pirotta, E., M. Mangel, D. P. Costa, B. Mate, J. Goldbogen, D. M. Palacios, L. A. Huckstadt, E. A. McHuron, L. Schwarz, and L. New | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2018 | The American Naturalist - E-Article | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | state model, migratory behaviour, anthropogenic disturbance, marine vertebrate |
299 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | East or west: the energetic cost of being a gray whale and the consequence of losing energy to disturbance | Villegas-Amtmann, S., L. K. Schwarz, G. Gailey, O. Sychenko, and D. P. Costa | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Endangered Species Research 34:167-183 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Western gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, Bioenergetics, Disturbance costs, Metabolic rate, Reproductive costs, Migration costs, Foraging costs, Energy loss |
300 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Development of a bioenergetic model for estimating energy requirements and prey biomass consumption of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus | Bejarano, A. C., R. S. Wells, and D. P. Costa | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Ecological Modelling 356:162-172 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | bioenergetic model, energy, prey biomass consumption, bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus |
301 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Regional variability in diving physiology and behavior in a widely distributed air-breathing marine predator, the South American sea lion Otaria byronia | Huckstadt, L. A., M. S. Tift, F. Riet-Sapriza, V. Franco-Trecu, A. M. Baylis, R. A. Orben, J. P. Arnould, M. Sepulveda, M. Santos-Carvallo, J. M. Burns, and D. P. Costa | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Journal of Experimental Biology 219:2320-2330 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Aerobic dive limit, Diving, Oxygen stores, Pinniped, South America |
302 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Energy and prey requirements of California sea lions under variable environmental conditions | McHuron, E. A., M. Mangel, L. K. Schwarz, and D. P. Costa | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Marine Ecology Progress Series 567:235-247 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Quantifying energy, population dynamics, bioenergetic model, sea lions, Zalophus californianus |
303 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Foraging strategies of a generalist marine predator inhabiting a dynamic environment | McHuron, E. A., P. W. Robinson, S. E. Simmons, C. E. Kuhn, M. Fowler, and D. P. Costa | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Oecologia 182:995-1005 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | California Current, Dive behavior, Individual variability, Sea lion, Zalophus californianus |
304 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The ‘risky’ business of singing: tactical use of song during joining by male humpback whales | Dunlop, R.A. and Noad, M.J. | University of Queensland | 2016 | Volume 70, Issue 12, pp 2149–2160 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Audience effect, Communication strategy, Communication network, Vocal eavesdropping, Sexual signal, BRAHSS |
305 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The energetic consequences of behavioral variation in a marine carnivore | E McHuron, SH Peterson, LA Huckstadt, SR Melin, JD Harris, and DP Costa | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2018 | Ecology and Evolution. 2018 ;1?1 2 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Full | California sea lion, doubly labeled water, field metabolic rate, foraging behavior, intraspecific variation, pinniped |
308 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Monitoring population-level responses of marine mammals to human activities | Fleishman, E., Costa, D. P., Harwood, J., Kraus, S., Moretti, D., New, L. F., Schick, R. S., Schwarz, L. K., Simmons, S. E., Thomas, L. and Wells, R. S. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Marine Mammal Science, 32: 1004?1021 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Acoustics, environmental impact statements, Marine Mammal Protection Act, results chains |
311 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Stochastic dynamic programming: An approach for modelling the population consequences of disturbance due to lost foraging opportunities | Schwarz, L. K., E. McHuron, M. Mangel, R. S. Wells, and D. P. Costa. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 27:040004 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Disturbance, elephant seals, bottlenose dolphins, Stochastic Dynamic Programming |
312 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Climate mediates the success of migration strategies in a marine predator | Abrahms, B., E. L. Hazen, S. J. Bograd, J. S. Brashares, P. W. Robinson, K. L. Scales, D. E. Crocker, and D. P. Costa | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2018 | Ecology Letters, 21: 63-71 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Behavioural strategy, climate variability, foraging ecology, habitat selection, individual specialisation, migration, Mirounga angustirostris, northern elephant seal, resource predictability, site fidelity |
313 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Suite of simple metrics reveals common movement syndromes across vertebrate taxa | Abrahms, B., D. P. Seidel, E. Dougherty, E. L. Hazen, S. J. Bograd, A. M. Wilson, J. Weldon McNutt, D. P. Costa, S. Blake, J. S. Brashares, and W. M. Getz | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Movement Ecology 5:12 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Movement ecology, Migration, Nomadism, Central place foraging, Territoriality, GPS data, Classification scheme, Cluster analysis |
314 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Searching for prey in a three-dimensional environment: hierarchical movements enhance foraging success in northern elephant seals | Adachi, T., D. P. Costa, P. W. Robinson, S. H. Peterson, M. Yamamichi, Y. Naito, and A. Takahashi | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Functional Ecology 31:361-369 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Area-restricted search, bio-logging, foraging behaviour, hierarchical patch system, Lévy walk, marine predator, scale-dependent movement, three-dimensional movement |
316 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | An animal-borne active acoustic tag for minimally invasive behavioral response studies on marine mammals | Fregosi, S., H. Klinck, M. Horning, D. P. Costa, D. Mann, K. Sexton, L. A. Hückstädt, D. K. Mellinger, and B. L. Southall | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Animal Biotelemetry, 2016, 4:9 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | tagging, acoustic, behavioural response, marine mammals |
317 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Oxygen minimum zone: An important oceanographic habitat for deep-diving northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris | Naito, Y., D. P. Costa, T. Adachi, P. W. Robinson, S. H. Peterson, Y. Mitani, and A. Takahashi | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Ecology and Evolution 7:6259-6270 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | oxygen minimum zone, northern elephant seals, mirounga angustirostris |
143 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Drivers and hotspots of extinction risk in marine mammals | Davidson, A., Boyer, A., Kim, H., Pompa-Mansilla, S. et al. | Instituto de Ecologia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | 2011 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109: 3395-3400 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.2 | Part | Marine Protected Areas, Marine Mammals, Biodiversity, Extinction |
144 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Changes in vocal parameters with social context in humpback whales: considering the effect of bystanders | Dunlop, R | University of Queensland | 2016 | Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 70: 857-870 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Social interactions, Bystander, Whales, Frequency code system, BRAHSS |
145 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Multivariate analysis of behavioural response experiments in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Dunlop, R., Noad, M., Cato, D., Kniest, E. et al. | University of Queensland | 2013 | The Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 759-770 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Behavioural response, BRS, Social sounds, Anthropogenic noise, Humpback whales, BRAHSS |
146 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The behavioural response of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to a 20 cubic inch air gun | Dunlop, R., Noad, M., McCauley, R., Kniest, E. et al. | University of Queensland | 2015 | Aquatic Mammals, 41: 412-433 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Baleen whales, Anthropogenic noise, Behavioural response, Seismic, BRAHSS |
147 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A spatially explicit model of the movement of humpback whales relative to a source | Dunlop, R.A., Noad, M.J. and Cato, D.H. | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2016 | Proceeding of Meeting on Acoustics, 27. Fourth International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Humpback whales, model, BRAHSS |
148 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Behavioural-response studies: problems with statistical power | Dunlop, R.A., Noad, M.J. and Cato, D.H. | University of Queensland | 2012 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 730: 293-297 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Behavioural response, BRS, BRAHSS |
149 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Response of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to ramp-up of a small experimental air gun array. | Dunlop, R.A., Noad, M.J., McCauley, R.D., Kniest, E. et al. | University of Queensland | 2016 | Marine Pollution Bulletin,103, 72-83. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Humpback whales, air guns, Response, BRAHSS |
150 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Communication masking in marine mammals: A review and research strategy | Erbe, C., Reichmuth, C., Cunningham, K., Lucke, K. et al. | Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin University | 2016 | Marine Pollution Bulletin, 103: 15-38 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.9.1 | Full | Masking, Marine mammal, Audiogram, Critical ratio, Critical band, Comodulation masking release |
151 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Auditory effects of underwater noise on odontocetes | Finneran, J. | US Navy Marine Mammal Program | 2012 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 730: 197-202 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.1.1 | Part | Noise-induced threshold shift, Odontocetes, Temporary threshold shift, Permenant threshold shift |
152 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Effects of noise and sound perception in marine mammals | Finneran, J., Branstetter, B. | US Navy Chief of Naval Operations (N45) Living Marine Resources Program, US Office of Naval Research Marine Mammal S&T Program | 2013 | In book: Animal Communication and Noise, Chapter 10. pp 273-308 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.1.1 | Part | Sound perception, Marine mammals, Foraging, Social interactions, Sound detection, Auditory masking, Noise-induced threshold shifts |
153 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Effects of multiple impluses from a seismic air gun on bottlenose dolphin hearing and behaviour | Finneran, J., Schlundt, C., Branstetter, B., Trickey, J. et al. | US Navy Marine Mammal Program | 2015 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137: 1634-1646 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.1.1 | Part | Multiple impulses, Air gun, Bottlenose dolphins, Hearing thresholds |
154 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Adipose triglyceride lipase, not hormone-sensitive lipase, is the primary lipolytic enzyme in fasting elephant seals | Fowler, M., Coasta, D., Crocker, D., Shen, W. et al. | Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz | 2015 | Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 88: 284-294 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Lipids, Hormones, Enzyme, Northern elephant seals |
155 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The demands of lactation promote differential regulation of lipid stores in fasting elephant seals | Fowler, M., Debier, C., Champagne, C., Crocker, D. et al. | Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz | 2015 | General and Comparative Endocrinology 225: 125-132 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Cortisol, Growth hormone, Insulin, Lipolysis, Milk, Marine Mammal |
156 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Comparing multiple sampling platforms for measuing the behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Godwin, E., Noad, M. and Dunlop, R | University of Queensland | 2015 | Marine Mammal Science, 32: 268-286 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Behaviour, Comparing, Multiple platform, Sampling, Measuring, Cetacea, BRAHSS |
157 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Condition and mass impact oxygen stores and dive duration in adult female northern elephant seals | Hassrick, J., Crocker, D., Teutschel, N., McDonald, B. et al. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2009 | The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213: 585-592 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Age, Dive duration, elephant seal, Oxygen stores |
158 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate | Hazen, E., Jorgensen, S., Rykaczewski, R., Bograd, S. et al. | NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, California, USA | 2012 | Letters. Nature Climate Change doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1686 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Climate change, Top predators, Pacific |
253 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | An algorithm for the localization of multiple interfering sperm whale using multi-sensor time difference of arrival | Baggenstoss, P. | Naval Undersea Warfare Center, RI | 2011 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Algorithm, Sperm whale, Sensors, TDOA |
254 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Separation of sperm whale click trains for multipath rejection. | Baggenstoss, P. | Naval Undersea Warfare Center, RI | 2011 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130: 3598-3609 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Algorithm, Sperm whale, Sensors |
273 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Comparing methods suitable for monitoring marine mammals in low visibility conditions during seismic surveys | Verfuss, U., Gillespie, D., Gordon, J. et al. | SMRU Consulting | 2017 | Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 126, January 2018, Pages 1-18 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 4.7.1 | Full | Marine Mammals, Visibility, Seismic, Monitoring |
159 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Improved passive acoustic band-limited energy detection for cetaceans | Hood, J., Flogeras, D. and Theriault, J | Akoostix Incorporated, Dartmouth, Canada | 2016 | Applied Acoustics, 106: 36-41 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.1.2 | Full | Marine animals, Signal detection, Monitoring, False alarm reduction, PAMGUARD |
331 | Factsheet | Hearing in Arctic Seals | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2018 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Seals, Hearing Sensitivity |
160 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Deadly diving? Physiological and behavioural management of decompression stress in diving mammals | Hooker, S., Fahlman, A., Moore, M., Aguilar de Soto, N. et al. | SMRU, St Andrews | 2011 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279: 1041-50 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.2 | Part | Diving physiology, Marine mammals, Gas bubbles, Embolism, Decompression sickness |
161 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Investigation of the potential for vascular bubble formation in a repetitively diving dolphin | Houser, D., Dankiewicz-Talmadge, L., Stockard, T. and Ponganis, P | University of California, San Diego | 2009 | The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213: 52-62 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.3 | Part | Dolphin, Ultrasound, Bubble emboli, Diving |
162 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Global coverage of cetacean line-transect surveys: Status quo, data gaps and future challenges | Kaschner, K., Quick, N., Jewell, R., Williams, R. et al. | Evolutionary Biology and Ecology Lab, Albert-Ludwigs University of Frelburg, Germany. SMRU, St Andrews | 2012 | PLoS ONE, 7(9) e44075 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.3.1 | Part | Cetacea, Models, Line transects, Abundance, Populations |
163 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Factors affecting the reliability and validity of behavioural datasets: Assessing the impact of observers experience and native language on studies of wild animals | Kavanagh, A., Goldizen, A., Blomberg, S., Noad, M. et al. | Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory, University of Queensland | 2016 | Aquatic Mammals, 42: 1-11 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Kappa statistics, Interoberver agreement, Interoberver reliability, Experience, Native language, Humpback whale, BRAHSS |
164 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Evidence for the functions of surface-active behaviours in humpback whales | Kavanagh, A.S., Williamson, K., Blomberg, S., Noad, M. et al. | University of Queensland, Australia | 2017 | Marine Mammal Science. doi: 10.1111/mms.12374 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Surface-active, Humpback whales, BRAHSS |
165 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Factors driving the variability in diving and movement behavior of migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae): implications for anthropogenic disturbance studies. | Kavanagh, Ailbhe S.; Noad, Michael J. et al. | University of Queensland, Australia | 2017 | Marine Mammal Science. doi: 10.1111/mms.12375 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Diving, Movement, Behaviour, BRAHSS |
166 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A review and inventory of unmanned aerial systems for detection and monitoring of key biological resources and physical parameters affecting marine life during offshore exploration | Koski, W., Abigrall, P. and Yazvenko, S. | LGL Limited | 2009 | Joint Industry Programme on E&P Sound and Marine Life | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.3.1 | Full | Index of abundance, Monitoring, Noise, Short-term change, Survey aerial |
167 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Hearing capabilites of Loggerhead Sea turtles (Carreta caretta) through ontogeny | Lavendar, A., Bartol, S., Barton, I. | Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, VA | 2014 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 730: 89-92 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.1.1 | Full | Sea turtle hearing, Auditory evoked potentials, Operant conditioning, Behavioral audiograms |
168 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Development of an animal-borne sonar tag for quantifying prey availability: Test deployments on northern elephant seals | Lawson, G., Huckstadt, L., Lavery, A., Jaffre, F. et al. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2015 | Animal Biotelemetry, 3:22 1-16 | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Sonar, Tag, Northern elephant seal, Prey |
169 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Summing the strokes: Energy economy in northern elephant seals during large scale foraging migrations | Maresh, J., Adachi, T., Takahashi, A., Naito, Y. et al. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2015 | Movement Ecology, 3:22 1-16 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Accelerometer, Aerobic dive limit, Body size, Disturbance, Field metabolic rate, Foraging, Hypometabolism, Locomotion, Pregnancy |
170 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Free-swimming northern elephant seals have low field metabolic rates that are sensitive to an increased cost of transport | Maresh, J., Simmons, S., Crocker, D., McDonald, B. et al. | Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2014 | The Journal of Experimental Biology, 217: 1485-1495 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Accelerometer, Disturbance, Drag, Energetics, Field metabolic rate, Flipper stroking, Foraging, Locomotion, Translocation |
171 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Estimating North Pacific right whale Eubalaena japonica density using passive acoustic cue counting | Marques, T., Munger, L., Thomas, L., Wiggins, S. et al. | Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2011 | Endangered Species Research, 13: 163-172 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Bering Sea, Point transectsm Distance sampling, Normal mode propagation, Abundance estimation, Acoustic recording package, ARP, High frequency acoustic package, HARP |
172 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Estimating animal population density using passive acoustics | Marques, T., Thomas, L., Martin, S., Mellinger, D. et al. | Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2013 | Biological Reviews, 88: 287-309 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.5 | Part | Acoustic surveys, Bioacoustics, Density estimation, Distance sampling, Passive acoustic monitoring, Spatially explicit capture-recapture, Fixed sensors, Hydrophones |
173 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Estimating cetacean population density using fixed passive acoustic: An example with Blainvilles beaked whales | Marques, T., Thomas, L., Ward, J., DiMarzio, N. et al. | Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2009 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125: 1982-1994 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 4.2 | Part | Population density, Fixed passive acoustic sensors, Acoustic tags |
174 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Estimating minke whale (Balaenoptere acutorostrata) boing sound density using passive acoustic sensors | Martin, S., Marques, T., Thomas, L., Morrissey, R. et al. | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific | 2013 | Marine Mammal Science, 29: 142-158 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 3.4 | Part | Density estimation, Capture-recapture, Minke whales, Signal processing |
175 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Acoustic and diving behaviour of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) during natural and depredation foraging in the Gulf of Alaska | Mathias, D., Thode, A., Straley, J., Calambokidis, J. et al. | Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography | 2012 | Acoustical Society of America, 132: 518-532 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.7 | Part | Sperm whales, Diving, Acoustics, Depredation |
176 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Transmission of marine seismic survey, air gun array signals in Australian waters | McCauley, R., Duncan, A., Gavrilov, A. and Cato, D. | Centre Marine Science and Technology Curtin University | 2016 | Proceedings of Acousitcs. 9-11 November 2016, Brisbane, Australia. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Seismic survey, Air gun, Australia, BRAHSS |
177 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Effects of age, colony and sex in mercury concentrations in California Sea Lions | McHuron, E., Peterson, S., Ackerman, J., Melin, S. et al. | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2015 | Achives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 70: 46-55 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Sea lions, Mercury, Feeding ecology |
178 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Using short-term measures of behaviour to estimate long-term fitness of southern elephant seals | New, L., Clark, J., Costa, D., Fleishman, E. et al. | Marine Mammal Commission, Maryland | 2014 | Marine Ecology Progress Series, 496: 99-108 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Kalman filter, Southen elephant seals, Population concequences of disturbance, State-spaced model, Telemetry data |
179 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Marine mammals and the impacts of anthropogenic noise: Considerations for the design of large acoustic behavioral response studies such as BRAHSS | Noad, M. and Dunlop, R | School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Australia | 2016 | Proceedings of Acoustics 2016. 9-11 November 2016, Brisbane, Australia | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | BRAHSS, Anthropogenic disturbance |
180 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Body reserves influence allocation to immune response in capital breeding female northern elephant seals | Peck, H., Costa, D. and Crocker, D. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Functional Ecology, 30:389-397 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Ecological immunology, Fasting, Pinnipeds, Reproduction, Trade-offs |
181 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Psychophysical studies of auditory masking in marine mammals: key concepts and new directions | Reichmuth, C. | University of California Santa Cruz, Santa | 2012 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 730: 23-27 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.1.2 | Part | Auditory masking, Psychological, Marine mammals, Hearing capabilities |
182 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Low-frequency temporary threshold shift not observed in spotted or ringed seals exposed to single air gun impulses | Reichmuth, C., Ghoul, A., Sills, J., Rouse, A. et al. | University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Southall Environmental Associates (SEA) | 2016 | The Journal of the Acousitcal Society of America, 140 (4): 2646-2658 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.8 | Full | Temporary threshold shift, Hearing, Noise, Ringed seals, Airgun |
183 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Measurements of foraging success in a highly pelagic marine predator, the northern elephant seal | Robinson, P., Simmons, S., Crocker, D. and Costa, D | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2010 | Journal of Animal Ecology, 79: 1146-1156 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Buoyancy, Drift rate, Marine mammal, Marine predator, Tracking, Transit rate |
184 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Beat keeping in a sealion as coupled oscilation: Implications for comparative understanding of human rhythm | Rouse, A., Cook, P., Large, E., Reichmuth, C | University of California Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10: 257 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.8 | Part | Rhythmic, Sealions, Music cognition, Non-human models |
185 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Auditory effects of multiple impulses from a seismic air gun on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiopstruncatus) | Schlundt, C., Finneran, J., Branstetter, B., Trickey, J. et al. | Department of Biology, University of Maryland | 2016 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 875: 987-991 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.1.1 | Full | Temporary threshold shift, Hearing, Noise |
186 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Top down and bottom up influences on demographic rates of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella | Schwarz, L., Goebel, M., Costa, D. and Kilpatrick, M. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2013 | The Journal of Animal Ecology, 82: 903-911 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Antarctic oscillation, Cormack Jolly, Seber, Detection probability, El Nino southern oscillation, Pinniped, Shetland Islands, Southern annular mode, Tag loss |
187 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The implications of assuming independent tag loss in southern elephant seals | Schwarz, L., Hindell, M., McMahon, C. and Costa, D. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2012 | Ecosphere, 3: 1-11 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Bayesian, Population growth rate, Mark re-sight, Macquarie Island, Southern elephant seals |
188 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Comparisons and uncertainty in fat and adipose tissue estimation techniques: The northern elephant seal as a case study | Schwarz, L., Villegas-Amtmann, S., Beltran, R., Costa, D. et al. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2015 | PLoS ONE, 10 e0131877. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Fat and adipose tissue, Northern elephant seal, Foraging success |
189 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Listening for signals in seismic noise: A case study of masking in Arctic seals | Sills, J., Reichmuth, C. | University of California Santa Cruz, Santa | 2016 | Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 27. Fourth International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Dublin, Ireland | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.8.2 | Full | Seismic noise, Hearing, Marine Mammals, Arctic Seals |
127 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Seals and sea lions are what they eat, plus what? Determination of trophic discrimination factors for seven pinniped species | Beltran, R., Peterson, S., McHuron, E., Reichmuth, C. et al. | University of California Santa Cruz, | 2016 | Rapid Communications in Mass Spectometry, 30: 1115-1122 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1 | Part | Seals, Sea lions, Trophic discrimination, Feeding, Foraging |
128 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Tracking apex marine predator movements in a dynamic ocean | Block, B., Jonsen, I., Jorgensen, S., Winship, A. et al. | Stanford University, California, USA. Department of Biology, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. NOAA. University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2011 | Nature Letter, 475: 86-90 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 3.5.1 | Part | Tagging, Pacific predators |
129 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Generalized marine mammal detection based on improved band-limiting processing | Boughter B., Hood, J., Theriault, J. and Moors, H. | Akoostix Incorporated, Dartmouth, Canada | 2012 | Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 17. ECUA 2012 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.8 | Part | Band-limited, Marine mammal, De-noise spectrograms |
130 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Technology requirements to investigate the effects of sound on marine wildlife | Boyd, I. | Sea Mammal Research Unit. | 2012 | International Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology, 30: 123-133 | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.1 | Full | Noise, Impacts, Marine Mammals, Measurement, Animal-borne instruments |
131 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Electronic tracking tag programming is critical to data collection for behavioural time-series analysis | Breed, G., Costa, D., Goebel, M. and Robison, P. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2011 | Ecosphere, 2: 1-12 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Electronic tracking tags, CCRW, Argos |
132 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | State-space methods for more completely capturing behavioural dynamics from animal tracks | Breed, G., Costa, D., Jonsen, I., Robinson, P. et al. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2012 | Ecological Modelling 235-236: 49-58 | Mitigation & Monitoring | No | File Link | 3.5 | Part | GPS tracking, Behavioral dynamics, State-space model, Parameter estimation, Particle filters, Particle smoothers, State augmentation |
133 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A critical review of the literature on population modelling | Cabrelli, A., Harwood, J., Matthiopoulos, J., New, L. et al. | Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews | 2009 | CREEM Technical Report 2009-2 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.4.2 | Full | Population model, Marine mammals, Population size, Body condition |
134 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Project BRAHSS: Behavioural response of Australian Humpback whales to seismic surveys | Cato, D., Noad, M., Dunlop, R., McCauley, R. et al. | Maritime Operations Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney | 2012 | Proceedings of Acoustics 2012- Fremantle. 21-23 November. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Humpback whales, Behavioural response, Seismic surveys, BRAHSS |
135 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Behavioral responses of humpback whales to seismic air guns | Cato, D., Noad, M., Dunlop, R., McCauley, R. et al. | Maritime Operations Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney | 2013 | Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19. ICA Montreal, Canada. Animal bioacoustics. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Humpback whales, Behavioural response, Air guns, Anthropogenic noise |
136 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A study of the behavioural response of whales to the noise of seismic air guns: Design, methods and progress | Cato, D., Noad, M., Dunlop, R., McCauley, R. et al. | Maritime Operations Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney | 2013 | Acoustics Australia, 41: 88-97 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Whales, Behavioural response, Air guns, BRAHSS |
137 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Addressing Challenges in Studies of Behavioral Responses of Whales to Noise. | Cato, D.H., Dunlop, R.A., Noad, M.J., McCauley et a. | University of Sydney | 2016 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 875: 145-152. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.1.2 | Part | Noise, whales, Behavioural response, BRAHSS |
138 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A bioenergetics approach to developing a population concequences of acoustic disturbance model | Costa, D. | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2012 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (eds Popper A.N & Hawkins A.) 730: 423-426 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.2 | Full | PCAD, Populations, Vital rates, Bioenergetics |
139 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Use of electronic tag data and associated analytical tools to identify and predict habitat utilization of marine mammals | Costa, D. and Block, B. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2011 | Navy Reports | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Full | Electronic tags, Marine mammals, Analytical tools |
140 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | New insights into pelagic migrations: Implicatios for ecology and conservation | Costa, D., Breed, G. and Robinson, P. | Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz | 2012 | The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 43: 73-96 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.2 | Part | Pelagic migrations, Animal navigation, Animal tracking, Argos, Global positioning system, Marine Protected Area, Satellite telemetry, Transect survey |
141 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Approaches to studying climatic change and its role on the habitat selection of Antarctic pinnipeds | Costa, D., Huckstadt, L., Crocker, D., McDonald, B. et al. | Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz | 2010 | Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50: 1018-1030 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.2 | Part | Habitat selection, Pinnipeds, Climate change |
142 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A bioenergetics approach to understanding the population consequences of disturbance: Elephant seals as a model system | Costa, D., Schwarz, L., Robinson, P., Schick, R. et al. | Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz. University of St Andrews | 2016 | The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II,: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 875: 161-169 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Population consequences of acoustic disturbance, Acoustic disturbance, Behaviour, Sea lion, Demography |
206 | Project Report | Hearing capabilities of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) throughout ontogeny: An integrative approach involving behavioral and electrophysiological techniques | Bartol, S. and Bartol, I | Virginia Wesleyan College. Old Dominion University | 2011 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.7.1 | Full | Turtles, Electrophysiological auditory, Behavioral traits |
207 | Project Report | Identification of potential utility of and collation of existing marine mammal observer data | Barton, C., Jaques, R. and Mason, M. | RSK Group PLC | 2008 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.4 | Full | Marine mammal, Observer, Sound, Noise |
208 | Project Report | A critical review of the literature on population modeling | Cabrelli, A., Harwood, J., Matthiopoulos, J., New, L. et al. | Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modeling | 2009 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.4.2 | Full | Population modeling |
209 | Project Report | Fish Behaviour in Response to Seismic Sound (Workshop / Report Prepared for ESRF, IOGP, OEER) | CEF Consultants Ltd | CEF Consultants Ltd | 2011 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.8.2 | Full | Fish, Behavior, Seismic, Sound |
210 | Project Report | PAMGUARD 4 | Deng, X., Gillespie, D., Gordon, J., McHugh, J. et al. | Herriot Watt University | 2008 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.1 | Full | Pamguard |
211 | Project Report | Acoustic masking in marine mammals: A review and research strategy | Erbe, C., Reichmuth, C., Cunningham, K., Lucke, K. et al. | Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin University | 2015 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.9.1 | Full | Acoustic masking, Marine mammals, Sound |
212 | Project Report | Temporary threshold shift (TTS) in odontocetes in responses to multiple air gun impluses | Finneran, J., Schlundt, C., Branstetter, B., Trickey, J. et al. | US Navy Marine Mammal Program. Exelis Inc. National Marine Mammal Foundation. G2 Software Systems | 2013 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.1.1 | Full | TTS, Odontocetes, Sound, Noise |
213 | Project Report | PAMGuard IV | Gillespie, D. | SMRU | 2008 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.5 | Full | Pamguard |
214 | Project Report | Development and implementation of automatic classification of odontocetes within PAMGUARD | Gillespie, D., Hedgeland, D. and Cox, E. | SMRU | 2011 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.9 | Full | Pamguard |
215 | Project Report | PAMGUARD industry field trial 2008 | Gillespie, D., Mackey, B. and Hastie, G. | SMRU | 2009 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.11 | Full | Pamguard |
216 | Project Report | PAMGUARD CODA field trial | Gillespie, D., Mackey, B. and Quick N. | SMRU | 2009 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.6 | Full | Pamguard |
217 | Project Report | A report on a PAMGUARD conference and workshops | Gordon, J. | Heriot Watt University | 2007 | Final Report. Ecologic | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.3b | Full | Pamguard |
218 | Project Report | A model for prediction of auditory tissure damage in fish | Hastings, M | The Pennsylvania State University | 2009 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.6.2 | Full | Auditory tissue damage, Fish, Modelling |
219 | Project Report | Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) software development- Detection, classification and localisation capabilities | Hood, J. | Akoostix Sound and Research Design | 2009 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.8 | Full | Pamguard |
220 | Project Report | Critical review of the literature on marine mammal population modeling | Keith, E. | Oceanographic Center Nova Southeastern University | 2008 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.4.1 | Full | Marine mammals, Populations |
221 | Project Report | Modeling minke whale hearing | Ketten, D. and Mountain, D | Harvard. Boston University | 2011 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.4 | Full | Marine mammal, Baleen whale, Minke whale, Seismic, Sonar, Hearing range, Hearing sensitivity, Power flow model |
222 | Project Report | Cetacean stock assessment in relation to exploitation and production industry sound | LGL | LGL Ltd. | 2009 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.3.3 | Full | Cetaceans, Stock assessment |
223 | Project Report | Environmental assessment of marine vibroseis | LGL and MAI | LGL Ltd. Marine Acoustics Inc | 2011 | Final Report | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.6 | Full | Airgun, Marine vibrator sources, Seismic |
224 | Project Report | A review and inventory of unmanned aerial systems for detection and monitoring of key biological resources and physical parameters affecting marine life during offshore exploration and production activities | LGL Ltd | LGL Ltd | 2009 | Final Report | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.3.1 | Full | Unmanned aerial systems, Monitoring, Biological resources, Physical parameters, Marine life |
225 | Project Report | GPS/TDR satellite tracking of sperm whales with 3-axis accelerometers- Background | Mate, B. | Oregon State University | 2007 | Final Report | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.2.1 | Full | Satellite tracking, Sperm whales, Accelerometers |
226 | Project Report | GPS/TDR satellite tracking of sperm whales with 3-axis accelerometers | Mate, B. | Oregon State University | 2012 | Final Report | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.2.2 | Full | Satellite tracking, Sperm whales, Accelerometers |
227 | Project Report | OGP, E&P Sound and Marine Life, JIP Svein Vaage broadband airgun study | Mattsson, A | PGS Geophysical | 2010 | Final Report | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.2 | Full | Airgun, Hydrophones, Accelerometer |
228 | Project Report | Fixed passive acoustic marine mammal monitoring for estimating species abundance and mitigating the effect of operations on the marine environment | Moretti, D., Casey, T. and Mellinger, D. | INSIG Inc. | 2009 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.6.2 | Full | Monitoring, Acoustics, Mitigation, Marine Mammals, Abundance, Fixed, Passive |
229 | Project Report | A conceptual framework for tiered risk assessment to evaluate the effects of sound from E&P operations on marine mammals | Muir, J., Gliders, M. and Bychkov | LGL Ltd. | 2010 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.6.1 | Full | Risk assessment, Marine mammals, Noise, Sound |
230 | Project Report | A review and inventory of fixed installation passive acoustic monitoring methods and technologies (revised with appendix 26 May 2010) | Norris, T., Oswald, J. and Sousa-Lima, R. | Bio-Waves Inc. Oceanwide Science Institute. Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology | 2010 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.6.1 | Full | PAM, Acoustics, Monitoring, Autonomous recorders, Fixed systems, Marine mammals, Mitigation |
231 | Project Report | A review of literature relevant to the PCAD model for guidance in developing transfer functions | Nowacek, D., Johnston, D., Bejder, L. and McElligott, D. | Duke University. Murdoch University | 2010 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.1 | Full | PCAD, Transfer function, PTS, TTS |
232 | Project Report | PAMGUARD: An overview and general introduction | Pamguard | Pamguard | 2009 | Final Report. Ecologic | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.3a | Full | Pamguard |
233 | Project Report | Blood nitrogen uptake and distribution during diving in bottlenose dolphins | Ponganis, P | University of California, San Diego | 2007 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.3 | Full | Nitrogen, Bottlenose dolphins, Distribution, Strandings |
234 | Project Report | Cetacean stock assessment | Quick, N. & Jewell, R. | SMRU Ltd. | 2009 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.3.1 | Full | Cetaceans, Stock assessment |
235 | Project Report | Assessing the hearing capabilities of mysticete whales | Reichmuth, C | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2007 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.2 | Full | Anthropogenic noise, Sound, Whales |
237 | Project Report | Workshop on technology requirements to investigate the effects of sound on marine wildlife | SMRU | SMRU | 2007 | Workshop Report | Research Tools | Yes | File Link | 5.1 | Full | Sound, Marine wildlife, Technology requirements |
238 | Project Report | Review of existing and future potential treatments for reducing underwater sound from oil and gas industry activities | Spence, J., Fischer, R., Bahtiarian, M., Boroditsky, L. et al. | Noise Control Engineering Inc | 2007 | NCE Report 07-001 | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.3 | Full | Underwater sound, Treatments |
239 | Project Report | Survey of active acoustic monitoring (AAM) technologies | Theriault, J., MacNeil, E., Maranda, B., Gilroy, L. et al. | Defence R&D Canada Atlantic. Akoostix Inc. of Nova Scotia. Canadian Seabed Research Ltd. | 2010 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.1.2 | Full | Active acoustic monitoring |
240 | Project Report | Testing of potential alerting sound playbacks to sperm whales | Thode, A., Mathias, D., Straley, J., Calambokidis, J., Schorr, G. et al. | Marine Physical Laboratory | 2011 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.7.1 | Full | Sperm whales, Sound playbacks, Alerting responses |
241 | Project Report | Cetacean stock assessment in relation to exploitation and production industry sound: Current knowledge and data needs | Thomsen, F., McCully, R., Weiss, L., Wood, D. et al. | The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | 2008 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.3.2 | Full | Cetaceans, Stock assessment |
242 | Project Report | Relating behaviour and life functions to populations level effects in marine mammals: An empirical and modeling effort to develop the PCAD model | University of California, Santa Cruz | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2012 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.2 | Full | PCAD, Populations, Marine mammals |
243 | Project Report | Development of software for real time acoustic identification of cetacean species | Whitlow, A. and Oswald, J. | Marine Mammal Research Program, HI | 2010 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.2.10 | Full | Pamguard |
244 | Project Report | Joint Industry Programme on Sound and Marine Life review of existing data on underwater sounds produced by the oil and gas industry | Wyatt, R | Seiche Measurements Ltd | 2008 | Final Report, Issue 1 | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.4 | Full | Oil and gas, Underwater noise, Anthropogenic noise |
245 | Factsheet | About the Joint Industry Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2015 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | About, JIP |
246 | Factsheet | Understanding the potential impact of repeated exposure to seismic impulses on dolphin hearing | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2015 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Pamguard, Tracking, Sounds |
247 | Factsheet | PAMGUARD: Finding and tracking marine mammals using their sounds | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2015 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Pamguard, Tracking, Sounds |
248 | Video | Science of sound | DOSITS | DOSITS | 2016 | all/decisionmakers/sciencevideo/ | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Sound |
249 | Video | Hearing in marine fishes | DOSITS | DOSITS | 2016 | all/decisionmakers/fishesvideo/ | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Hearing, Sound, Fish |
250 | Video | Marine mammal hearing | DOSITS | DOSITS | 2016 | all/decisionmakers/mammalvideo/ | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Hearing, Marine mammals, Sound |
251 | Video | Discovery of Sound in the Sea- Determining mitigation and monitoring through the ecological risk assessment process. | DOSITS | DOSITS | 2016 | all/decisionmakers/riskvideo/ | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Ecological, Risk, Mitigation, Monitoring |
252 | Other | From science to operations: How research is used to manage acoustic E&P industry risks to marine mammal populations | JIP | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2016 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme- Poster presentation | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Risk assessment |
318 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Key Questions in Marine Megafauna Movement Ecology | Hays, G. C., L. C. Ferreira, A. M. Sequeira, M. G. Meekan, C. M. Duarte, H. Bailey, F. Bailleul, W. D. Bowen, M. J. Caley, D. P. Costa, V. M. Eguiluz, S. Fossette, A. S. Friedlaender, N. Gales, A. C. Gleiss, J. Gunn, R. Harcourt, E. L. Hazen, M. R. Heithaus, M. Heupel, K. Holland, M. Horning, I. Jonsen, G. L. Kooyman, C. G. Lowe, P. T. Madsen, H. Marsh, R. A. Phillips, D. Righton, Y. Ropert-Coudert, K. Sato, S. A. Shaffer, C. A. Simpfendorfer, D. W. Sims, G. Skomal, A. Takahashi, P. N. Trathan, M. Wikelski, J. N. Womble, and M. Thums | Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Centre for Integrative Ecology, Warrnambool, VIC 3280, Australia | 2016 | Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31:463-475 | Research Tools | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Biologging, Biotelemetry, Marine megafauna, Movement ecology |
319 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Whisker growth dynamics in two North Pacific pinnipeds: implications for determining foraging ecology from stable isotope analysis | McHuron EA, Walcott SM, Zeligs J, Skrovan S, Costa DP, Reichmuth C | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Mar Ecol Prog Ser 554:213-224 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Vibrissae, Phocid, Otariid, Growth rate, Foraging behavior |
320 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | High-frequency hearing in seals and sea lions | Cunningham, K.A., Reichmuth, C. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2016 | Hearing Research 331 (2016) 83-91 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.8 | Part | Ultrasound, Bone conduction, High-frequency hearing, Underwater hearing |
321 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans | Sequeira, A. M. M., J. P. Rodriguez, V. M. Eguiluz, R. Harcourt, M. Hindell, D. W. Sims, C. M. Duarte, D. P. Costa, J. Fernandez-Gracia, L. C. Ferreira, G. C. Hays, M. R. Heupel, M. G. Meekan, A. Aven, F. Bailleul, A. M. M. Baylis, M. L. Berumen, C. D. Braun, J. Burns, M. J. Caley, R. Campbell, R. H. Carmichael, E. Clua, L. D. Einoder, A. Friedlaender, M. E. Goebel, S. D. Goldsworthy, C. Guinet, J. Gunn, D. Hamer, N. Hammerschlag, M. Hammill, L. A. Huckstadt, N. E. Humphries, M. A. Lea, A. Lowther, A. Mackay, E. McHuron, J. McKenzie, L. McLeay, C. R. McMahon, K. Mengersen, M. M. C. Muelbert, A. M. Pagano, B. Page, N. Queiroz, P. W. Robinson, S. A. Shaffer, M. Shivji, G. B. Skomal, S. R. Thorrold, S. Villegas-Amtmann, M. Weise, R. Wells, B. Wetherbee, A. Wiebkin, B. Wienecke, and M. Thums | UWA Oceans Institute, Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre, University of Western Australia | 2018 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Feb 2018, 201716137; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1716137115 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | global satellite tracking, probability density function, root-mean-square, turning angles, displacements |
322 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The extra burden of motherhood: reduced dive duration associated with pregnancy status in a deep-diving mammal, the northern elephant seal | Hückstädt, L. A., Holser, R. R., Tift, M. S., and Costa, D. P | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Biol Lett. 2018 Feb;14(2). | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Pregnancy, diving behaviour, biologging, northern elephant seal |
324 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Constrained by consistency? Repeatability of foraging behavior at multiple timescales for a generalist marine predator | Mchuron, E. & Hazen, E.L | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2018 | Marine Biology (2018) 165:122 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | forgaging, marine predator, behavioural consistency |
325 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Movements and dive behavior of juvenile California sea lions from Ano Nuevo Island | McHuron, E, Block, B.A & Costa, D.P | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2018 | Marine Mammal Science, 34(1): 238–249 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | movements, dive behaviour, juvenile california sea lions |
326 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Marine foraging ecology influences mercury bioaccumulation in deep-diving northern elephant seals | Peterson, S.H, Ackerman, J.T & Costa, D.P | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2015 | Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20150710 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | mesopelagic predator, spatial ecotoxicology, marine mammal, pinniped, biogeochemistry, methtylmercury |
327 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Big data analyses reveal patterns and drivers of the movements of southern elephant seals | Rodríguez, J.P, Fernández-Gracia, J et al. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2017 | Scientific Reports, volume 7, Article number: 112 (2017) | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | big data, movement, southern elephant seal |
328 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A bioenergetics model to evaluate demographic consequences of disturbance in marine mammals applied to gray whales | Villegas-Amtmann, S., Schwarz, L.K, Sumich, J.L & Costa, D.P | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2015 | Ecosphere 6(10):183. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | bayesian analysis, cetacean, energetic cost, eschrichtius robustus, metabolic rate |
329 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A model and experimental approach to the middle ear transfer function related to hearing in the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Tubelli, A., Zosuls, A., Ketten, D.R. & Mountain, D.C | Boston University Hearing Research Center and Department of Biomedical Engineering | 2018 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144, 525 (2018); doi: 10.1121/1.5048421 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.4.3 | Part | Middle ear, transfer function, Megaptera novaeangliae |
340 | Project Report | BRAHSS - Behavioral Response of Australian Humpback Whales to Seismic Surveys | Douglas H. Cato, Michael J. Noad, Rebecca A. Dunlop, Robert D. McCauley | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | 2019 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Full | BRAHSS, Cetaceans, Seismic Surveys |
341 | Project Report | BRAHSS - Behavioral Response of Australian Humpback Whales to Seismic Surveys | Douglas H. Cato, Michael J. Noad, Rebecca A. Dunlop, Robert D. McCauley | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | 2019 | Technical Summary | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.1.2 | Full | BRAHSS, Cetaceans, Seismic Surveys |
347 | Factsheet | BRAHSS: Behavioural Responses of Australian Humpback Whales to Seismic Surveys | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2019 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | BRAHSS, Cetaceans, Seismic surveys, behaviour, marine mammals |
330 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A state-dependent model for assessing the population consequences of disturbance on income-breeding mammals | McHuron, E.A., Schwarz, L.K., Costa, D.P. & Mangel, M. | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA | 2018 | Ecological Modelling, Volume 385, 10 October 2018, Pages 133-144 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Stochastic Dynamic Programming, PCoD, Marine mammals, Life history, Acoustic disturbance |
336 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The Effects of Handling and Anesthetic Agents on the Stress Response and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Northern Elephant Seals | Champagne, C.D., Houser, D.S., Costa, D.P. & Crocker, D.E. | University of California, Santa Cruz USA | 2012 | PLoS ONE 7(5): e38442. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038442 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5 | Part | Carbohydrate Metabolism, free-ranging animals, Anaesthetic Agents, Stress Response, Elephant Seal Endogenous glucose production |
339 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A review of unmanned vehicles for the detection and monitoring of marine fauna | Verfuss, U.K., Aniceto, A.S., Harris, D.V., Gillespie, D., Fielding, S., Jiménez, G., Johnston, P., Sincalir, R.R., Sivertsen, A., Solbø, S.A., Storvold, R., Biuw, M., Wyatt, R. | SMRU Consulting; Akvaplan-niva AS; Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling, and Sea Mammal Research Institute, University of St Andrews; British Antarctic Survey; Seiche Ltd; Norut - Northern Research Institute | 2019 | Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 140, March 2019, Pages 17-29 | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 5.4 | Part | Unmanned vehicles, Marine animal monitoring, Underwater sound, Environmental Impact Assessment, Offshore industry |
342 | Project Report | Underwater Acoustics - Task 1: Terminology | Michael A. Ainslie, Christ A.F. de Jong, Michele B Halvorsen, Darlene R Ketten | TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) | 2016 | TNO 2016 R11076 | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.5.3 | Full | Underwater Sound, Procedures |
343 | Project Report | Underwater Acoustics - Task 2: Processing | Michael A. Ainslie, Christ A.F. de Jong, Mark K. Prior | TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) | 2017 | TNO 2017 R10022 | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.5.3 | Full | Underwater Sound, Procedures |
344 | Project Report | Underwater Acoustics - Task 3: Reporting | Michael A. Ainslie, Christ A.F. de Jong | TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) | 2016 | TNO 2016 R11188 | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.5.3 | Full | Underwater Sound, Procedures |
346 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Population-level consequences of seismic surveys on fishes: An interdisciplinary challenge | Slabbekoorn, H., Dalen, J., de Haan, D., Winter H.V., Radford, C., Ainslie, M.A., Heaney, K.D., van Kootenj, T., Thomas, L., Harwood, J. | Institute of Biology (IBL); Soundmare; Wageningen Marine Research (WMR); University of Aukland; JASCO/TNO; Oasis Inc; Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling | 2019 | Fish and Fisheries. 2019;1-33 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.8.3 | Full | Unmanned vehicles, Marine animal monitoring, Underwater sound, Environmental Impact Assessment, Offshore industry |
349 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria: Updated Scientific Recommendations for Residual Hearing Effects | Brandon L. Southall, James J. Finneran, Colleen Reichmuth, Paul E. Nachtigall, Darlene R. Ketten, Ann E. Bowles, William T. Ellison, Douglas P. Nowacek, and Peter L. Tyack | Southall Environmental Associates Inc,University of California, U.S. Navy MMP, University of Hawaii, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Harvard Medical School, Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, Marine Acoustics, Inc., Duke University, SMRU | 2019 | Aquatic Mammals 2019, 45(2), 125-232, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.2.2019.125 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.9 | Part | Marine Mammals, Seismic, Underwater Noise, Hearing Effects |
350 | Project Report | Determining the Environmental Impact of Marine Vibrator Technology | Marie-Noël R. Matthews, Terry J. Deveau, Darren Ireland , Héloïse Frouin-Mouy, Robert Brune, Sam Denes, David G. Zeddies, Cynthia Pyc, John Christian, Valerie D. Moulton, Graham Warner, David E. Hannay | JASCO Applied Sciences (USA) Ltd | 2019 | Executive Summary | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.6.2 | Full | Underwater Sound, Marine Vibrator, Environmental Impact |
351 | Project Report | Determining the Environmental Impact of Marine Vibrator Technology | Marie-Noël R. Matthews, Terry J. Deveau, Darren Ireland , Héloïse Frouin-Mouy, Robert Brune, Sam Denes, David G. Zeddies, Cynthia Pyc, John Christian, Valerie D. Moulton, Graham Warner, David E. Hannay | JASCO Applied Sciences (USA) Ltd | 2019 | Final Report | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.6.2 | Full | Underwater Sound, Marine Vibrator, Environmental Impact |
353 | Project Report | International Protected Species Observer Data | Milne S., Butler M., Cathery T., Mander P., Richardsn J., Unietis A. | RPS Energy Ltd | 2019 | Final Report | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.10 | Full | PSO, MMO, Seismic Surveys, Protected Species, Underwater Sound, |
373 | Factsheet | Fish Related Research | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2021 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | PCoD, PCAD4COD, fish tag, workshop |
333 | Factsheet | Mysticete Hearing: Progressing the Science of Baleen Whale Hearing | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2018 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Seals, Dolphins, Anatomical Modeling, Auditory Weighting Function |
334 | Factsheet | Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2018 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Tracking, Acoustic Monitoring, PAM |
335 | Other | 3rd Programme Review Meeting of the E&P Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme (9-14 September 2018, The Hague, The Netherlands) - Schedule and Abstracts | JIP Sound and Marine Life | JIP Sound and Marine Life | 2018 | JIP Sound and Marine Life | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | Review, 2018 |
352 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Effect of a Bubble Screen on the Behavioural Responses of Captive Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Exposed to Airgun Sounds | Ronald A Kastelein, Alexander M. von Benda-Beckmann, Frans-Peter A.Lam, Erwin Jansen, Christ A. F. de Jong | Sea Mammal Research Company, TNO Acoustics | 2019 | Aquatic Mammals 2019, 45(6), 706-716, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.6.2019.706 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.11.1 | Part | Marine Mammals, Seismic, Noise, Bubble, Hearing Effects, Airgun |
354 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | The Role of Material Properties in Cetacean Hearing Models: Knowns and Unknowns | Andrew A.Tubelli, Darlene R.Ketten | Boston University Hearing Research Center and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | 2019 | Aquatic Mammals 2019, 45(6), 717-732, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.6.2019.717 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.4.3 | Part | Marine Mammals, humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, cetacean, hearing, model, material properties, mechanics |
355 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Aligning Basilar Membrane Spirals to Two-Dimensional Images of Point-Stiffness Experiments | Graham E. Voysey, Aleks Zosuls, Darlene R. Ketten | Boston University Hearing Research Center and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department of Otology and Laryngology Harvard Medical School | 2019 | Aquatic Mammals 2019, 45(6), 733-738, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.6.2019.733 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.4.3 | Part | Marine Mammals, cetacean, hearing, modeling, basilar membrane, frequency-place map, cochlear length |
356 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Effects of broadband sound exposure on the interaction between foraging crab and shrimp - A field study | Jeroen Hubert, James Campbell, Jordy G. van der Beek, Manon F. den Haan, Rik Verhave, Laura S. Verkade, Hans Slabbekoorn | Institute of Biology Leiden, Leiden University, the Netherlands | 2018 | Environmental Pollution 243 (2018) 1923e1929 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.8.4 | Full | PCAD4CoD, behavioural response, Broadband Sound, Crab and Shrimp, |
357 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Population-level consequences of seismic surveys on fishes: An interdisciplinary challenge | Hans Slabbekoorn, John Dalen, Disk de Haan, Hendrik V. Winter, Craig Radford, Michael A. Ainslie, Kevin D. Heaney, Tobias van Kooten, Len Thomas, John Harwood | Leiden University, Soundmare, Wageningen Marine Research (WMR), University of Aukland, JASCO/TNO, OASIS Inc, CREEM Univesity of St Andrews | 2019 | Fish and Fisheries. 2019;1–33. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.8.4 | Full | PCAD4CoD, airgun, behavioural response, dynamic energy budget, fish hearing, population consequences of acoustic disturbance, stress physiology |
358 | Project Report | TTS growth and recovery in harbor porpoises exposed to intermittent and continuous signals | Dr. A.M. Benda-Beckmann, Dr. D.R. Ketten, Dr. ir. C.A.F. de Jong, Dr. F.P.A. Lam, Dr. ir. R.A.Kastelein | TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) | 2019 | Final Report | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.11.1 | Full | TTS, Temporary Threshold Shift, Harbor Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, Odontocetes, Sound, Noise |
359 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Lack of reproducibility of temporary hearing threshold shifts in a harbor porpoise after exposure to repeated airgun sounds | Ronald A. Kastelein, Lean Helder-Hoek, Suzanne A. Cornelisse, Alexander M. von Benda-Beckmann, Frans-Peter A. Lam, Christ A. F. de Jong, Darlene R. Ketten | Sea Mammal research Company (SEAMARCO), Harderwijk, the Netherlands, TNO Acoustics and Sonar, The Hague, The Netherlands, The Hearing Research Centre, Boston University, Massachussets | 2020 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148, 556 (2020) | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | No | File Link | 2.11.1 & 2.13 | Full | Harbour porpoise, airgun, hearing, sound exposure, Marine Mammal, TSS, self-mitigation, Phocoena phocoena |
360 | Project Report | Review on Existing Data on Underwater Sounds Produced by the Oil and Gas Industry | Guillermo Jiménez-Arranz,Nikhil Banda, Stephen Cook, Roy Wyatt | Seiche Ltd. | 2020 | Final Report | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.4.2 | Full | Underwater Sound, Oil and Gas, Industrial, Noise, Soundscape, Anthropogenic Sound |
361 | Project Report | Review on Existing Data on Underwater Sounds from Pile Driving Activities | Guillermo Jiménez-Arranz,Nikhil Banda, Stephen Cook, Roy Wyatt | Seiche Ltd. | 2020 | Final Report | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.4.2 | Full | Underwater Sound, Pile Driving, Industrial, Noise, Soundscape, Anthropogenic Sound |
362 | Project Report | PAMGuard Quality Assurance Module for Marine Mammal Detection using Passive Acoustic Monitoring | Mary Jo Barkaszi, Dr Douglas Gillespie, Mike Oswald, Dr Aaron Thode, David Snyder, Jeffrey Martin | CSA Ocean Sciences Inc, University of St Andrews, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Universty of California) | 2020 | Final Report | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.9.2 | Full | Passive Acoustic Monitoring, PAM, PAMGuard, Marine Mammals, Quality Assurance, Detection |
365 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Auditory masking in killer whales (Orcinus orca): Critical ratios for tonal signals in Gaussian Noise | Brian K. Branstetter, Michael Felice, Todd Robeck | National Marine Mammal Foundation, California; SeaWorld Sand Diego, California; SeaWorld Parks and Etertainment, Florida | 2021 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, 2019 (2021) | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.9.4 | Full | Marine Mammal, Killer Whale, Gaussian Noise, Orca, Critical Ratio |
364 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | A Modeling Comparison of the Potential Effects on Marine Mammals from Sounds Produced by Marine Vibroseis and Air Gun Seismic Sources | Marie-Noël R. Matthews, Darren S. Ireland, David G. Zeddies, Robert H. Brune, Cynthia D. Pyc | JASCO Applied Sciences (Halifax & Victoria, Canada & Silver Spring, MD, USA); LGL Ecological Research Associates Inc, Bryan, TX, USA; Robert Brune LLC, Evergreen, CO, USA. | 2021 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(1), 12 | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.6.2 | Full | Marine Mammal, airgun, Marine Vibroseis, Modeling, geophysical survey, Seismic |
368 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Functional Analyses of Peripheral Auditory System Adaptations for Echolocation in Air vs Water | Darlene R. Ketten, James A. Simmons, Hiroshi Riquimaroux, Andrea Megela Simmons | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Boston University; Brown University; Shandong University-Virginia Tech International Laboratory; National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center; | 2021 | Frontier in Ecology and Evolution; Evol. 9:661216. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.661216 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.4.3 | Part | biosonar, cochlea, basilar membrane, stapes, inner ear, echolocation, bat, dolphin |
369 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Masking Release at 4kHz in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) associated with sinusoidal amplitude-modulated masking noise | Ronald A. Kastelein, Lean Helder-Hoek, Jennifer Covi, John M. Terhune, Georg Klump, et al. | Sea Mammal Research Company; Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Brunswick; Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all" and Research Centre Neurosensory Science, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg; | 2021 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150, 1721 (2021); doi: 10.1121/10.0006103 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | No | File Link | 3.9.3 | Part | Harbour Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, marine mammal, acoustic, odontocedes |
371 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria: Assessing the Severity of Marine Mammal Behavioural Responses to Human Noise | Brandon L. Southall, Douglas P. Nowacek, Ann E. Bowles, Valeria Senigaglia, Lars Bejder, Peter L. Tyack | Southall Environmental Associates Inc.; University of California Santa Cruz; Duke University; Murdoch Univeristy; University of Hawaii; Aarhus University; Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St Andrews; | 2021 | Aqautic Mammals 2021, 47(5),###-###, DOI: 10.1578/AM.47.5.2021.### | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.9 | Part | Marine Mammals, behaviour response, noise, severity, criteria, vital rates |
372 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Evolutions in Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria | Brandon L. Southall | Southall Environmental Associates and University of California, Santa Cruz | 2021 | Acoustics Today, Summer 2021 | Volume 17, issue 2: 52-60 | Physical, Physiological & Hearing Effects of Sound | Yes | File Link | 2.9 | Part | Marine Mammals, noise, exposure criteria, acoustic disturbance |
374 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Measurement procedures for underwater sound sources associated with oil and gas exploration and production activities | Christ De Jong, Michele Halvorsen, David Hannay, Michael Ainslie | TNO, University of New Hampshire, JASCO Applied Sciences | 2022 | Conference presentation: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Berlin, Germany 15/07/2022 | Sound Source Characterisation and Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.5.4 | Part | Seismic, geophysical survey, production |
375 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Marine compressed air source array primary acoustic field characterization from at-sea measurements | Natalia Sidorovskaia and Kun Li | University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana | 2022 | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2022, 151 (6), 3957 - 3978 | Sound Source Characterisation and Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.1.8 | Part | Seismic, compressed air |
376 | Project Report | Development of a Digital, Volumetric, 3-D Hydrophone Array (The 3-D-V Array) and Associated Real-Time Beam forming Processing for Marine Mammal Monitoring and Mitigation of E&P Seismic Surveys | Tom Norris, Gerald DSpain and Doug Gillespie | Bio-Waves Inc, ISDC-SIO/MPL and University of St Andrews, UK | 2020 | Bio-Waves Inc, 2020. Report Number 2020-Q4. | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.9.1 | Part | 3-D Hydrophone Array, Real-Time Beamforming Processing, Seismic Surveys |
377 | Project Report | Evaluation of Decaf Methods Using an Existing Eight-Year Fixed Acoustic Monitoring and Localization Dataset, Deployed During E&P Activities Along the Arctic Continental Shelf | K. H. Kim, S. B. Blackwell, A. M. Thode, T. A. Marques, D. Harris and L. Thomas. | Greeneridge Sciences Inc, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD and University of St. Andrews | 2022 | Greeneridge Sciences Inc, 2022. Report Number: 526-1. | Mitigation & Monitoring | Yes | File Link | 4.8.2 | Full | DECAF Methods, Fixed Acoustic Monitoring |
378 | Project Report | Underwater Acoustics – Phase 2: Measurement | C.A.F. de Jong, H.W.J. Jansen, M.B. Halvorsen, D.E. Hannay, M.A. Ainslie and R.G. Racca | TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) | 2021 | TNO 2021 R11210-A | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.5.4 | Full | Underwater Sound, Procedures |
379 | Project Report | Review And Inventory Of Current Underwater Sound Propagation Modelling Methods | Diana McCammon, Craig Hamm, Gary Brooke Dave Thomson, Sean Pecknold, Joe Hood, M.L. Taillefer, and James Theriault | Maritime Way Scientific Ltd | 2022 | Solicitation Number: JIP 08-08 [Phase II RfP] | Sound Source Characterisation & Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.7.1 | Full | Underwater Sound, Modelling, acoustic propagation |
380 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Mechanisms of auditory masking in marine mammals | B. K. Branstetter and J. M. Sills | National Marine Mammal Foundation, Institute of Marine Sciences, Long Marine Laboratory, University of California Santa Cruz | 2022 | Animal Cognition, 2022, 267 (2) | Bahavioural Reactions and Biological Reactions | Yes | File Link | 3.9.4 | Full | Masking in marine mammals, Marine mammals and noise, Auditory masking, Informational masking |
381 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Characterization of the acoustic output of single marine-seismic airguns and clusters: The Svein Vaage dataset | Prior, M. K, Ainslie, M. A., Halvorsen, M. B., Hartstra, I., Laws, R . M., MacGillivray, A., Muller, R., Robinson, S and Wang, L. | TNO, University of New Hampshire, JASCO Applied Sciences, Jackson Estuarine Labs, Havakustik Ltd, National Physical Laboratory | 2021 | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 150 (5), 3675-3692 | Sound Source Characterisation and Propagation | Yes | File Link | 1.2.4 | Full | Airgun, clusters, sound pressure, acoustic |
382 | Factsheet | Outcomes of the IOGP Sound and Marine Life JIP | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | 2022 | JIP Sound and Marine Life Programme | Communication | Yes | File Link | Communication | Full | outcomes, sound, collaboration, JIP |
385 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Body Composition of Common Bottlenose Dolphins in Sarasota Bay, Florida | Adamczak SK, Holser RR, Costa DP, Berens McCabe EJ and Wells RS | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, University of California. Chicago Zoological Society’s Sarasota Dolphin Research Program | 2021 | Front. Mar. Sci. 8:615773. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.615773 | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Marine mammal, physiology, biology |
397 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Masking release at 4 and 32 kHz in harbor seals associated with sinusoidal amplitude-modulated masking noise | Ronald A. Kastelein, Lean Helder-Hoek, Linde N. Defillet, John M. Terhune, Rainer Beutelmann, Georg M. Klump | Sea Mammal Research Company (SEAMARCO), University of New Brunswick, Carl von Ossietzky University | 2023 | J Acoust Soc Am 1 July 2023; 154 (1): 81–94. | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.9.3 | Full | Underwater acoustics, Auditory perception, Bioacoustics of mammals, Hydrophone, Acoustic noise, Frequency modulation, Amplitude modulation, Anthropogenic, Signal processing, Signal-to-noise ratio |
398 | Peer-Reviewed Publication | Growth in marine mammals: a review of growth patterns, composition and energy investment | Adamczak SK, McHuron EA, Christiansen F, Dunkin R, McMahon CR, Noren S, Pirotta E, Rosen D, Sumich J, Costa DP | University of California, University of Washington, Aarhus University, Sydney Institute of Marine Science, University of California Santa Cruz, University of St. Andrews, University of British Columbia, Oregon State University. | 2023 | Conservation Physiology, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, coad035, | Behavioural Reactions & Biological Significance | Yes | File Link | 3.5.3 | Part | Marine mammal, growth, body size |